Monday, January 21, 2013

Back on The Blog: Politics, Greed & Disbelief

I know, I know, it's been a while since I've been blogging. Many things have happened over the past year which would take far too long to write about. I am relatively healthy, employed, with a roof over my head and an amazing family, I figure that's more than anyone can ask these days.

There have been a few issues in the public eye that I've wanted to weigh in on, because what the world really needs is more opinions. In defference to short attention spans, I'll try to be succinct.

Since I last blogged, the province of Quebec elected a new government. Not suprising considering the stain of corruption that had grown over the Liberal's nine-year term in office. The election of the Parti Québécois has been good for some things, but not so good for everything else. The good, if you can call it that, is the fact that the PQ's current, more old-school, hard-line, cast of characters has been great fodder for the press. Reporters and columnists have been falling over themselves looking for an angle to fan the flames of linguistic discontent as the province's economy circles the bowl. The PQ for their part, fulfilled their xenophobic neo-socialist agenda by acquiescing to a minority group of entitled anarchists by revoking tuition fee hikes (payback for helping oust the Liberals), then proceeded to slash funding to universities, hospitals and infrastructure repair in order to boost the budget for the language police.

All of this came to pass largely because of a split in votes that amounted to 66% of the Quebec population NOT voting for the PQ. So, rather than trying to figure out how to keep our cities from crumbling, or making the province economically viable for business, we are discussing the language and font sizes of signs in store windows. Which is all irrelevant, because as Justin Trudeau rightfully pointed out (in a less than tactful manner) the power in Canada has already shifted to the west; and as long as there is oil in those sands, that's where it will stay.


The NHL lockout is officially over.

As I stated numerous times during this dispute, I will not be following the league this year. I have been criticized for this stand, as have other likeminded individuals. It has been said that denying oneself the pleasure of watching hockey is tantamount to punishing oneself, not the league. Others have been more blunt, suggesting that those who turn away from the league are not true hockey fans.

My positition is simple. I love hockey, and have since I was very young. I have been a fan of the Canadiens for over forty years. Make no mistake that the dispute over the Collective Bargaining Agreement had nothing to do with making the game better. As the players and the league got into a childish narcissistic pissing contest, it became clear to me that what truly mattered to both sides was not the fans, but their money.

Bitching and complaining about it is not enough. At the end of the day there is no other way for fans to express our displeasure than to withhold the one thing both sides covet above all else, our money and our attention. This is about integrity, and if you choose to take a meaningful stand on anything, you have to be prepared to give up something. I wish more fans would do the same, but it looks as if the league was right all along, fans are flocking back to arenas like the suckers P.T. Barnum so loved.

I wish my team well this season, and like any fan, I hope they do well enough to make the playoffs, and maybe the ultimate prize. I also hope those involved in businesses and media affected by the lockout will be able to bounce back quickly.

Otherwise, my attention will be elsewhere.


Sandy Hook elementary school, Newtown Connecticut. Twenty first-grade students...children, killed in a shooting rampage.

Twenty children killed.

Should we even be a debating gun control, or are we just that stupid?

We also need to ask ourselves about the state of mental health awareness and treatment.

We might also want to ask ourselves about the mental health of people who think they need to own assault rifles when many communities ban the ownership of pit bulls.

Twenty children.

We have got to fix this