Fifty years.
Turning forty seemed like a big deal at the time, but fifty? That's a number that gets your attention. As with any milestone, recollection of the journey never seems to fully capture the length of road already travelled, which is just another way of saying it all seems like a blur.
As the clock ticks past the half-century mark, it's tempting to look at one's life as a ledger of successes and failures as if the sum has any real value. It doesn't, by the way. For most of us, our greatest successes or failures have no bearing on the rest of the universe. I believe the only meaningful evaluation of one's life can be drawn from the ancient, but no less relevant adage 'count your blessings.' The precept is not exclusive to any belief system or religion, but the simple act of being grateful for what you have received is not only a good way to live, it's a good measure of a lifetime. For purposes of expediency, I won't recite fifty blessings as the title implies, but to go with a numerical theme, here are my top five.
Do what you love. Love what you do.
I have been blessed with a career that has been, shall we say, diverse. A friend once joked that he stopped writing my work number in pen due to the number of times I changed companies. A repeat victim of department closures, cutbacks and downsizing, my career would best be characterized as crossing a river by leaping from one stone to another. Along the way, I have been careful to not torch any bridges (though some fell apart of their own accord). I am equally fortunate that many of the people with whom I have worked are still friends and colleagues. As much of an adventure it has been, I've been blessed to continue to do what I love, working alongside some remarkable people.
Capturing the spark.
One of my most cherished blessings is creativity. In fairness, I believe everyone has this gift in one form or another, the challenge is finding an outlet for all that energy. In my case, it takes many forms, from a career in graphic arts, to public speaking and broadcasting. Having the ability to express one's ideas and imagination is a gift for which I am deeply grateful. When I see others discover and express their own gifts, it is nothing short of inspiring. The most important lesson learned over time is to set your own standards for creative expression. Work at it, nurture it, push your boundaries and do it for no other reason than feeding your own passion.
In the company of good friends.
Over the course of one's life friends are made, friends drift apart and then, in defiance of time and circumstance, come together again. These relationships can flourish and sometimes end in bitterness. Through it all, the gift of people in my life has never lost its value. It is those shared experiences that help us to grow and discover who we are. It's important to surround yourself with people who will support you through the darkest times, disagree with you or call you on your BS, and push you out of your confort zone. There are few things more gratifying than spending time laughing at life and yourself in the company of a good friend. I have been blessed to have experienced many incredible relationships in my life, and even more grateful that through challenging times, friendship and love have endured.
Finding 'the one'
Falling in love is easily one of the life's greatest blessings, but finding someone who is the perfect companion for life's journey is something truly astonishing. I have difficulty summoning up superlatives to describe my wife. In the simplest of words she is love, kindness, compassion and beauty inside and out. How she ever fell for a screwball like me is easily one of the great mysteries of my life. She comforts, supports, encourages and laughs with every fibre of her being. She throws herself at every task, giving freely and generously of her time to those in need. We laugh together until the tears fall, and cry together until the pain passes. We are a team in every sense of the word, covering when one falters and standing side-by-side through the myriad challenges and joys of life. I love her with all my heart, and it's a love that grows profoundly deeper with each passing day.
A family that grows together.
There are times in one's life when it might seem the contrary, but family is truly one of the greatest of all blessings. I know this in part because I have been fortunate to have grown up with a mom, dad and brothers who helped forge who I am today. I also know this, because I have lost both parents and a brother far too soon, yet their memories continue to guide me. That connection is what bridges the distance of time and space from my older brother, a bond that has grown stronger and deeper over time. That may have something to do with the way in which our parents stayed connected to their brothers and sisters, who lived in Scotland, England, France and the United States. In a time before social media and the internet, they always managed to find a way to share in one another's lives. Of course, families are not a fixed circle. They grow and intersect with others, drawing in new faces, with new chapters to add and experiences to share. A growing family has blessed me with another mom and dad, brothers and sisters, neices and nephews, and two wonderful sons who are the pride and joy of my life. I honestly don't know where I would be without the love and support of family,
The overarching blessing of life is the discovery that there is no wasted time. Every moment, be it tragic, joyful, mundane or miraculous, is precious. These moments define us by forcing us to grow, testing our mettle and revealing a side of ourselves we never knew. While the march of time subtracts some of the boundless energy of youth, what we gain is a richness of experience that is truly priceless. I am profoundly grateful for my fifty years of blessings which now includes the blessing of being fifty.
'Look to the future, because that is where you'll spend the rest of your life.'
George Burns