It appears our fair metropolis is about to become hotter than hells kitchen with a grease fire. A heat wave is set to grip Montreal and boil it in its own oil. If you've lived in the Montreal area for most of your life, you understand the not-so-subtle nuances of summer on this tropical island to the north. Surrounded by rivers and lakes, and tucked into a valley, Montreal's vacation season can be oppressive.
For some maybe, but not me. I love the heat. Don't ask me why, I just do. I think it has something to do with tolerances. Some people seem to relish the hot, thick, muggy air and others seem to enjoy the frigid, bone chilling, brain numbing cold. Say what you will about summer heat, at least you can still feel your extremities.
I hate winter. Perhaps hate is a strong word, let me rephrase, I loathe winter. Maybe I'm crazy, but I just have a thing about waking up in the dark, stumbling to pull four sweaters over my head and scraping a half inch of ice off the windshield of my car as I begin to lose the feeling in my fingers (which is the only mercy for the stinging pain of frostbite). But that's just me.
I'll tell you one thing, if I had been one of the early settlers to Canada, experiencing winter for the first time, I'd have said 'f**k this!' and caught the first rickety ship back to France or England. I'll risk the scurvy 'cause the beaver pelts just ain't worth it.
For the record, it was my dad's idea to move here. He was working for Trans Canada Airlines out of Prestwick in Scotland (not exactly a balmy climate either). A job came up at TCA (soon to be Air Canada) headquarters in Montreal. It must have been a good career move to justify putting up with the winters. I should mention that earlier in his career he took on an assignment in Bermuda. How we ended up in the great white north is still a mystery to me, but like I said, the money must have been good.
So all these years later, I grumble and grimace my way through winter, patiently waiting for those sun-filled, steamy Montreal summers. Which I love. In fact, there are a multitude of things about this city I love. The food, the nightlife, the festivals, the people, the cultures, the history, the Habs, and the list goes on.
Now I am sensitive to the fact that there are those with allergies or other health issues that are exacerbated by the heat and humidity. I get that this season can bring with it more misery than joy. But even the most cynical among us has to admit that when the city's fauna is in full bloom and the blue skies shine a bit longer, the soul of Montreal seems to come to life.
Winter will come again. It will be bitter cold, slushy and sloppy. We will sequester ourselves in our homes, fighting cabin fever and dreaming of tropical escapes.
Right now, summer is here in all its glory.
Bring on the heat.
Enjoy, my friend. I hope all your future summers are as roasting as I hope my future winters are freezing :o)