Friday, November 5, 2010

The Friday Time Waster Supreme: The Customs, Canine, Caloric and Congressional Chaos Edition

Hey, look at that it's Friday! I don't know about you, but this week felt like a month. Maybe it's the weather. Maybe it's post-Halloween let-down, or even scarier, those eerie election results down south. Whatever it is, the week is mercifully coming to an end. Let's celebrate by taking a chunk of valuable time and casting it off into the ether.

Yay, we made the news. American news icon CNN recently revealed details contained in a confidential intelligence report from Canada Border Services Agency of an “unbelievable case of concealment”. The story goes that an elderly Caucasian man boarded an Air Canada flight in Hong Kong. Once in the air, the man slipped into a bathroom and emerged as a young Asian man. The flight crew immediately spotted the ruse and alerted authorities. Once on terra firma in Canada the man was apprehended, at which time he declared refugee status. The staff admitted that it seemed odd that an elderly man should have such young hands.

Among the more disturbing facts in this story was that the man used his Aeroplan card as a form of identification when boarding the plane. Evidently no one bothered to check for a passport. The media is spinning the story as something out of a Mission: Impossible story-line.

Really? Shouldn't we be a little more concerned that international airport security is being handled by Mr. Magoo and Madge the Palmolive soap lady?


Ignorant is as ignorant does. Now that the American electorate have swept Republicans back into a majority in the House of Representatives, in what some experts referred to as a protest vote, maybe disgruntled citizens will finally see some action in Washington. Not according to Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader in the Senate. He's declared that Obama would be a one-term president and promised that he would lead an all-out Republican assault on the president's agenda.

Because political infighting has always been the solution to rampant unemployment and an economy in the gutter. So, exactly what message did the voters send?


While on the topic of the ceaselessly bizarre, circus-like world of U.S. politics, former President George W. Bush released snippets of his presidential memoirs this week entitled Decision Points. In it he reveals the darkest moment of his presidency.

The complete lack of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?
Choking on a pretzel?

None of the above. It was during a live TV broadcast to raise relief money for victims of hurricane Katrina in which Kanye West declared “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.”

Gee, that's ...really ...what the f**k?! THAT was your lowest point?

Well, obviously it didn't have the same effect on Bush's career as Kanye crapping all over Taylor Swift's VMA acceptance speech. Mind you, I'm not sure sleeping with a bunch of people then writing songs about them would have improved his image either.


Canine intolerance! Cesar Milan, best known as the Dog Whisperer, is a victim of doggy discrimination. The Government of Ontario has banned the world-famous dog trainer's pet pit-bull Junior from entering the province. Ontario's attorney general, Chris Bentley, is upholding a 2005 ban on what some consider a dangerous breed. This despite the fact that Milan has made a career out of successfully rehabilitating dogs, or more specifically their owners.

So why are Don Cherry and Tie Domi still in the province?


Feeling peckish? A group of four Montreal food-lovers have come up with a sandwich that is sure to shock and awe your appetite. They call it the Angry French Canadian. The mammoth slabwich combines bacon, poutine, hot dogs and maple syrup, all on a  french-toasted Parisian baguette. If you're watching your girlish figure, take note that this deli item is a mere 5,343 calories.

I think I just gained five pounds writing about this.

Sounds like the perfect accessory for watching the last episode of The Biggest Loser.

Stay warm, enjoy your weekend.

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