Friday, April 9, 2010

Attack of The Friday Time Waster Supreme

Ah, the blessed end of the week. To launch you into weekend mode, here is yet another collection of thoughts that are probably best kept inside my head. Please read responsibly.

Bloc head Gilles (The Hairnet) Duceppe is traveling across Canada to talk Quebec sovereignty. More specifically, he is speaking to university students in the ROC to gauge public opinion of Quebec and Canada's ongoing constitutional quandary. I guess he couldn't find anyone in Quebec willing to listen.

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You've probably already seen the new Nike commercial that shows a black and white image of Tiger looking remorseful while his father (who has been dead for four years) seems to be lecturing him. It turns out the sound byte from the late Earl Woods was actually a reference Tiger's mom, Kultida. Earl was explaining one of the many differences between the couple. Just one more element that makes this creepy commercial even creepier.

Has Nike crossed the line? Perhaps, but then everybody is talking about it, almost everybody has seen it, and probably no one will forget it.

In advertising, mission accomplished.

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Things you need to know: When I Google The Shroom Chronicle it appears third from the the top with the blog Beautiful, Perfect Love. It's good to know that a tribute to my wife ranks higher than Noogie Diplomacy.

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From the 'WTF was that all about?' department: A video is circulating YouTube featuring a group of high school students using a baseball bat to smash a brand new iPad to smithereens.

The video, created by 19-year-old Justin Kockott (a name I did not make up), is brilliantly titled "Brand new iPad getting smashed by a baseball bat."

The future candidate for president of NBC described his M.O. as follows: "I wanted to be the first one to do it before other people did it. It was just something to do."

If this is the generation who will be looking after us in our old age, maybe I'll just take a bat to myself.

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I can proudly say that this is my 48th consecutive blog that does not mention Justin Bieber ...dammit!

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Scientists were surprised by recent data that showed the polar ice caps have actually expanded in the last year and not contracted. Researchers are busily analysing the data to try and understand the reason.

My guess is that it was cold.

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Put up your feet, raise a glass, enjoy the weekend.

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